Spirit Hack

Winter; entering a kind of obscurity shaded by a sunless sky and feeling seemingly insular, we are conventionally hung by the noose of every holiday party, expected to converse over familial traditions, to pleasantly scarf every plate of food, and to shop till we drop through a sanctified hell.

The madness of it all becomes overwhelming, perhaps we snap. Our nervous system begs for rest whilst we spew unsweet somethings we do not mean.

Particular as our minds are, we fail to recognize the deeper yearnings of the soul. The need for rest, quietude, comforting connection, deep breaths and warm tea.

…If you are finding yourself utterly and empathically affected, quick to slice the tongue…i’d like to offer you a very simple yet profoundly effective Spirit Hack for Compassionate Communication.

Offer yourself a moment to ask yourself the question… “If this moment existed within the last week of my life (assuming you knew it was your last) how would I approach it?”

…perhaps you would simply release it, perhaps you would find a careful collection of words, perhaps you would say no instead of yes, perhaps you would say yes instead of no…whatever the answer may be, is the right one.

It holds weight, it holds meaning.

When you make choices from this perspective you are honoring the realities of death by living an authentic, purposeful life.


Ciscandra Nostalghia C.H.t of The Temple Of Solace

Mind Body Coach, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, NLP Master, and creator of Neuralchemy™

Ciscandra Nostalghia