

Ciscandra Nostalghia is an internationally renowned Intuitive Mentor, Spiritual Catalyst, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Mind Body Mentor, and performing artist.

Her healing processes made such an impact on her trajectory as an artist who suffered from severe stage fright, anxiety, and chronic stress…

That she now specializes in guiding her clients to make profound improvements in their lives by helping them transcend chronic stress, self-sabotage, self-doubt, emotional blocks, anxiety, fears, core beliefs, and habits that are holding them back, so that they can achieve the life, love, and joy their desire.

The result is fast, powerful, effective, and permanent. 

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My 60-day Mindset Upgrade Program uses a blend of:

• Mind Body Alchemy
• Emotional Alchemy
• Intuitive Subconscious Work
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
• Deep Meditation
• Cognitive Therapy
• Spiritual Psychology

I call this vast network of proven techniques Neuralchemy™. Transform your mind, Transform your life.

Most of our issues reside in our mind.

Everything about the Mindset Upgrade Program is designed to create lasting results and a higher quality of living.

Every program is designed to give you as much care as you personally need to achieve your goal.

The investment for this program is mid-four figures, and Ciscandra’s rates increase with time. The results are truly priceless.

Your needs will be properly assessed and the program will be tailored specifically for you to help you say goodbye to all of those things that were blocking you: anxious responses, chronic stress, self-doubt, and self-sabotage.

To find out if you are a good fit for this program and to answer any questions you may have, simply send Ciscandra a personal message on Facebook (and send a friend request) by clicking the button below!


• General Anxiety & Performance Anxiety (Corporate Presentations, Job Interviews, Auditions, Shows, Public Speaking Events)

Chronic Stress & Overwhelm

• Imposter Syndrome


• Career Success

• Fears

• Focus & Follow Through

Healing From Heartbreak

• Grief Support

• Emotional Eating

• Relationship Enhancement / Forgiveness / Compassion

Anger Management

Reduce Or Eliminate Alcohol & Prevent Relapse

Smoking Cessation

Times Of Transition

• Healing Wounds & Traumas From The Past


"The therapeutic work with Ciscandra is something I have never experienced before. Even in the throes of Lyme Disease, I I can't remember the last time I"

-Mark K.


Perhaps you’ve tried traditional talk therapy, read a trillion self help books, and yet still find yourself in the same predicament.

There’s something or some feeling going on in your life that you aren’t happy about. You’ve tried to fix it, but it isn’t getting any better.

You may be at the point of frustration, you’ve had enough, and you are desiring something lasting, and truly transformational.

I can relate. I was there too.

And it was only through my own metamorphosis that I was able to develop the insight, intuition, compassion, and understanding for others walking the revolutionary path of healing.


Firstly, This isn’t your fault.

Maybe you’ve heard a bit about hypnosis, but let me give you some background on why it is so incredibly effective.

Your conscious mind, which holds logic reason and willpower may want to change, but according to research, that’s only 5% of your mind power…

The subconscious mind however makes up 95% of your mind power.

Your subconscious mind holds your negative thinking, feelings, energetic patterns, bad habits, fears, mental blocks, insecurities, emotional wounds, traumas, and addictions…

Big sigh!

That's probably pretty much everything you're trying to work on right now held tight in this huge part of your mind that you don't have access to.

All that pain is essentially locked away in the castle of the subconscious mind…and the key to that castle, is Neuralchemy™.

So, let me tell you how that works…

In traditional talk therapy, you are working through the 5% of your logic, willpower, reasoning, conscious mind, which is often superficial and based on intellectual interpretations.

But for many topics, in order to effect lasting transformation, you need to also tap into the subconscious mind, which is the storehouse for those programs running on autopilot and getting in your way of change.

Studies show that just 6 sessions of Subconscious Work is more effective 600 sessions of traditional psychoanalysis.

Lucky for us, the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what is real or imagined, so it accepts suggestions that are given in hypnosis as real and true.

We get right to where the problem lives and we resolve it.


Studies show that just six sessions of Hypnotherapy is more effective than 600 sessions of psychoanalysis.

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For those of you who have fears regarding hypnosis due to theatrical displays in tv shows and movies…

I’m here to tell you, there is nothing scary about hypnosis in the therapeutic setting.

You are not relinquishing control to the hypnotherapist, in fact, YOU are gaining control over your own behaviors, your well being, and your life.

And you will never get stuck in hypnosis. At any point you can choose to sit up and walk around.

It is experienced like a very deep and calming meditation where you tune into your own immeasurable power to heal.


I witness my clients getting transformative results every single day, and I’m confident I can assist you on your journey as well.

If you are ready to redeem your past, unlock your future, move forward in your life, treat the body you’ve been given as sacred, and finally thrive…


I work with clients worldwide via Phone & Zoom.

Remote sessions prove to be as effective, if not more, than traditional face-to-face. 

You can work program sessions into your personal schedule and feel safe and secure in the comfort of your own home, while avoiding the stressful experiences of traffic.